all about our IT people

Who is gentleman?
dont say it is K.T.Kunjumon.
recently i have received a circullar from my training department with subject 'Who is gentleman?', which describes about current IT professionals indisciplinary actions. It says abt standing in one leg, pressing pressed lift button, handshaking with dirty hands, distubing others like speaking to mobiles in lifts and disobeying laws/rules.
there are instances. example, there is a traffice diversion near cyber towers(in hyd). so to take right, we are supposed to take left , drive a small distance, take u turn and then proceed on our way. yes, these IT professionals take left, drives that distance but not completely. they go upto that u turn roundaana. but thay dont complete. i have given that in pics here. the green arrow indicates how we supposed to go while the red arrow indicates how we supposed to not go. while these professionals able to drive for 50 meters, why cant they are not driving +1 meter. i saw few accidents in that junctions. but still professionals drive like that only...
we have no right to be ugly and unclean. we may not be handsome, but that is no crime.
Its not all IT people just your IT people :)
hello it happens everywhere with everyone. if u say that it is not only IT, then i can accept it.
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