Onsite - Chapter 2
Yes, this is my chapter 2 in onsite next to Seoul. Second chapter abroad starts in Tokyo, one of the costliest city in the planet.
This assignment is from Wipro for Nikko Citi Ltd. As usual, there is no change is working culture and politics in workplace. The only change I would say is I am in Tokyo.
Tokyo, infact Japan is far and far ahead of India in many ways.
anyways, not to differentiate two countries in my blog. My life has become machine after coming to tokyo. I miss TCS life , because most of the time I was idle. My role did not demand more for subcustodian domain. Equities domain demands more and in unplanned way.
Well when I land here, I was put-up in a hotel accommodation. The lodging was in hotel tokyu stay, tsukiji. Though it is a costliest accommodation, I didn't like it. But I was near to my kachidoki triton square office. I used to walk 3 km daily. I was little bit fit and healthy those days. But the accommodation was for week only. Then I moved to minami-gyotoku to stay with Sandeep. He is the youngest one in the project. But he talks like eldest.
Later I moved to a paying guest accommodation by Sakura for a month at monzen nakacho. It was a very good experience with Italian girl, mexiac guy and an English man. Their name Veronica, Diego and Paul. Paul gave me more friends from his such including pleasing guys Martin, Brain and more. Later from there, I moved to an UR apartment for my family. This is at nishi kasai, more or like a little India having more indians, Indian grocery stores and restaurants.
it is great pleasure and happy being here in Tokyo with family. Ofcourse it is made rememberable by toffy-San.